Finding the Elusive Top Sales Performer

Finding the Elusive Top Sales Performer

In sales, finding top performers can be a challenging task. These individuals possess a distinct set of skills, drive, and motivation that distinguishes them from others. But how can you locate these exceptional sales performers? You can increase your chances of...
Five Reasons Why Understanding Acumen Is So Important

Five Reasons Why Understanding Acumen Is So Important

Axiology is the study of values. Stated more simply, it is the study of how we make judgments about good and bad. While axiology may be the technical name, the concept is often referred to as a person’s “acumen.” I discovered the concept of measuring an individual’s...
The Importance of Resilience

The Importance of Resilience

As we navigate the challenges of a rapidly changing world, one trait stands out as essential to achieving success: resilience. Life is filled with ups and downs, unexpected twists, and challenges that can test our limits. In these moments, resilience becomes our...
Is It Time for a Business Checkup?

Is It Time for a Business Checkup?

When was the last time you did a business checkup? Have you found it difficult to diagnose what is holding your business back from stability and growth? Is your team struggling to make the necessary connections to realize your vision through to action? Are your...
Building a Comprehensive View to Develop Your Team

Building a Comprehensive View to Develop Your Team

The difference of gravitating to the new buzz topic or “flavor of the day” toolset versus utilizing tools that build off each other and create a comprehensive view to work with. Developing individuals or teams typically takes a multi-faceted approach for success. ...