A Guide To Using Comparison Assessments To Help Make Hiring Decisions.


Hiring someone new to join your team is a large investment for your organization in both money and time. As in any decision, there’s often a bit of risk involved in the process. The biggest risk in hiring comes when someone who seems to check all of the boxes is proven to be a bad fit for the job and/or the team over time. For this reason, the hiring process must be thorough and driven by open communication and clear expectations.


Details Lead To Better Decisions

It should come as no surprise that HR managers and HR recruiters appreciate detail. The details help them narrow down potential candidates to the pool of top choices selected to move to the next round in the hiring process. But details can be confusing and if the data isn’t presented in a way the hiring manager understands, then hiring risk increases. The hiring manager must be able to take in all of the data collected by the HR manager and recruiters because ultimately, the hiring manager will make the final decision about who to bring onto their team.

What tools can be given to hiring managers from HR and recruiters? A Comparison Assessment can help HR managers and recruiters communicate the right information in the right way to the hiring manager. Download a Free Sample Comparison Assessment using the form below to learn more,

A comparison assessment looks at three main aspects of a prospective employee:

  1. Weaknesses – Can I train them?
  2. Motivation – Are they motivated by things I can do?
  3. Differences – Does this person’s differences offer the strengths needed to meet this role?

Comparison assessments can be brief or can offer as much detail as needed. These assessments show behavioral similarities and differences between the hiring manager and potential candidates. By giving the hiring manager the opportunity to declare what drives them, they help the HR manager and recruiters locate those candidates who can lower the chance of conflict, improve productivity, meet the skill needs of the job, and offer the strongest fit.

At Vantage, we recommend comparison assessments in the hiring process. A comparison assessment puts the manager’s DISC side-by-side with the candidates. Companies that employ comparison assessments are seeing a 90+ percent hiring retention rate. The assessment looks at candidates’ behaviors, drivers, competency, acumen, and other aspects that allow the hiring manager to understand the potential candidate from the context of themselves. In essence, the idea sums it all down to, “Can I manage them?”


Understanding Assessments

As a manager, you have a decent understanding of how your employees function individually, work together, and what you need to do to support and encourage productivity and effectiveness. You and your HR department know this because you’ve invested in assessments such as DISC (Dominance, Influence, Steadiness, Compliance) where each team member’s styles are associated with certain behaviors and characteristics that when communicated and known, help improve the overall working environment.This visual provides an example of the comparison assessment of the hiring manager and a potential candidate’s success indicators. Although the responses are on opposite sides of the wheel, they are complementary to one another. Download our sample comparison assessment to learn more.


The Vantage Point

Vantage offers comparison assessments and support to help hiring managers, HR managers, and recruiters understand the data collected about individuals’ world views, self views, what they value, their strengths related to the job, and behavioral descriptors such as how they solve problems, influence people, and respond to rules and procedures set by others.  By sharing this information, both parties can negotiate a system and plan that is mutually agreeable; and thus, mitigate the risk of hiring the wrong fit.

Download our sample comparison assessment below to see how it works. Our real-life sample provides additional visuals and narrative examples of how your hiring managers and both HR managers and recruiters can wade through the candidate pool using a comparison assessment to find the best fit for your open positions and future job openings.

Here at Vantage, we have helped over 150 businesses for over 25 years with leadership team development, strategic planning, teamwork training, and talent recruitment through practical, easy-to-administer tools. We believe in “teaching people to fish” and provide them with the tools to do so. Using best practices in utilizing technology, behavior and values assessments, team building and leadership development tools, we help our clients work as a team and empower them with a standard of self-sufficiency that leaves them virtually free of ongoing consulting support. Contact us for more information.