Would you like to reduce the amount of time and resources spent on the recruitment and hiring process? Do you want an efficient, bias-free process that would help you sort applicants and lead you to best-fit talent quickly? Have leaders in your organization made hiring decisions based on what they think they want versus what they actually need?


Talent related decisions take place across the full spectrum of the talent life cycle: recruiting, hiring, onboarding, development, internal promotions and succession planning. Some of the most common pain points we regularly hear are:

  • The hiring and decision-making processes take too long
  • Too many similar roles that have frequent turnover and fulfillment needs that have to go through a lengthy process every time
  • A lengthy hiring processes that costs too much money and resources
  • Existing processes are enabling subjective bias to creep into decisions
  • People are often promoted because of who they know, not what their qualifications are
  • People are hired and promoted to positions they are not ideal for
  • Talent seems to be “pigeonholed” based on the current work they do, and the organization struggles to see their skills as transferable within the organization
  • Leaders are expected to develop their individual team members, but they often don’t know how or what to objectively focus on
  • Clear career paths are lacking within the organization

Do these pain points sound familiar to you and what your organization is experiencing? If they do, you’re not alone. Companies of all sizes struggle with these types of talent decisions regularly. The good news is there is a way to reduce these pain points using job benchmarks.

Job benchmarks are tools that help an organization focus on what roles actually need for success. From there, these tools act as a measuring stick for comparison. These comparisons enable:

  • Better recruiting and interviewing tactics to identify the right fit early
  • A quick filter for identifying poorly aligned talent, saving significant time and resources.
  • Identifying existing gaps for the creation of objective development plans that supports the success of talent and high-performing individuals and teams.
  • Benchmarks for multiple organizational roles, career pathing and development plans for future movement can be proactively but in place.
  • Identifying talent for succession in roles through an objective approach to reduce pigeonholing and leveling the playing field for internal talent.

There are also different ways to approach benchmarking based on the size of your organization. When you have more than 60 people in a role versus one, 15 or 30, the benchmarking methodology shifts to meet your needs.

Are you looking for solutions that consistently identify right-fit talent and enable you to build diverse, high-performance teams?

Are you ready to learn more about benchmarking and what approach is right for you? Are you interested in creating efficiencies across your talent-related decision processes that will save your organization time and resources? Do you want to reduce bias and create a level playing field for all talent with your organization? Reach out today! The Vantage Group has more than 20 years of experience helping organizations make actionable and systemic change to their talent management processes. What are you waiting for?