Managing growth is a double-edged sword: while expanding can be thrilling, it also presents a host of challenges that can derail a company if not handled properly. If a business is floundering as it scales, it’s likely facing some common pitfalls. Here are ten reasons a company might struggle with managing growth and how to address them:

  1. Lack of Vision or Poor Communication of It

A clear vision is the compass that guides a company through the turbulent waters of growth. Without it, businesses can drift aimlessly, and employees may lack direction. If a company does have a vision, it must be effectively communicated to ensure that everyone is on the same page. When the vision is unclear or unshared, it’s challenging to align efforts and foster a sense of purpose among the team.

  1. Undefined or Unarticulated Values

Values act as the foundation for company culture and decision-making. When a company hasn’t taken the time to define and articulate its core values, it risks inconsistency and confusion. Employees need a framework for understanding what the company stands for and how they should act. Clear values help in guiding behavior, making decisions, and maintaining consistency even as the company grows.

  1. Weak Management Team

A strong management team is essential for navigating the complexities of growth. If a company has not invested in building a competent and cohesive management team, it may struggle with decision-making, conflict resolution, and strategic planning. A robust leadership team can steer the company effectively, ensuring that growth is managed in a sustainable and organized manner.

  1. Uncertainty About Growth and Its Impacts

Growth can bring both opportunities and challenges. Companies often struggle when they are uncertain about how growth will impact their operations, resources, and market position. Without a clear understanding of these effects, businesses may face unexpected problems. Strategic planning and scenario analysis can help mitigate these uncertainties and prepare for various outcomes.

  1. Abdication of Financial Responsibility

Financial management is crucial during periods of growth. If a company delegates financial oversight to others without maintaining a hands-on approach, it risks losing control over its financial health. Leaders need to stay involved in financial planning and management to ensure that growth is sustainable and that resources are allocated effectively.

  1. Lack of a Defined Customer Success Program

Customer success is vital for maintaining satisfaction and loyalty, especially as a company grows. Without a structured program to support and engage customers, businesses may struggle to retain clients and address their needs effectively. A well-defined customer success program helps in building lasting relationships and ensuring that customers derive maximum value from the company’s offerings.

  1. Inconsistent Communication

Effective communication is the lifeblood of a growing organization. If communications are sporadic and lack intention, it can lead to misunderstandings, misalignment, and disengagement. Establishing consistent and purposeful communication channels helps in keeping everyone informed and aligned with the company’s goals and initiatives.

  1. Undefined Company Culture

Culture is the glue that holds a company together, particularly during periods of rapid growth. An undefined or poorly communicated culture can lead to disjointed teams and a lack of cohesion. Cultivating a strong and clearly defined culture helps in maintaining alignment and fostering a sense of belonging among employees.

  1. Neglecting Training and Development

As a company grows, the need for continuous training and development becomes even more critical. When training takes a back seat to other priorities, it can lead to skill gaps, decreased productivity, and lower employee morale. Investing in training ensures that employees have the skills and knowledge they need to perform effectively and adapt to new challenges.

  1. Lack of Employee Engagement

Employee engagement is closely tied to how much leaders care about their team. When employees feel that leadership is indifferent or disconnected, their motivation and commitment can wane. To foster engagement, leaders must actively demonstrate their concern and support for their employees, creating an environment where people feel valued and motivated to contribute to the company’s success.


Managing growth is a complex endeavor that requires careful planning, clear communication, and strong leadership. By addressing these common issues, companies can better navigate the challenges of expansion and set themselves up for long-term success. With a strong vision, articulated values, a capable management team, and a focus on engagement and training, businesses can thrive even as they scale. Do you want a diagnosis of how growth issues show up in your organization? We can help you identify this and other growth obstacles that may be building up in your organization through our Stages of Growth X-Ray™.  In three distinct ways we can help you prepare for the next stage of growth:

  1. Online assessments that are stage-specific, people can get to the heart of the strategic growth issues quickly
  2. ​​​​​​​Provides a language of growth that gets to the root cause of growth barriers in a short period of time
  3. Creates alignment around the top issues that everyone agrees must be addressed right away.

Contact us today to start on your course to business growth.