A complex or unclear sales strategy might be hindering your selling success. Grow your business and generate customer loyalty by simplifying your sales approach and applying these seven key steps.


Selling is a very important part of the process of getting customers to buy your services or products. Yet, it is greatly misunderstood.  Selling is not a process that manipulates people into buying your products or services, rather, it’s a process of understanding your prospect’s needs and understanding the sensitive dynamics of finding the right fit.

What exactly should you ask?
How should you explain your products or services?
How do you close and confirm you actually have the sale?

It sounds simple, but many sales professionals lose sight of the steps needed to sell successfully, and skip through steps and wonder why they weren’t able to close the deal.

Like any profession, selling has a body of knowledge related to successful execution. There are seven key steps that can help you be successful in any business environment. These steps include:

  1. Prospecting
  2. First Impressions
  3. Qualifying
  4. Demonstration
  5. Influence
  6. Close
  7. General

In order to drive breakthrough sales results, you need to understand the steps to sell. Mastery in each of these steps may not be necessary for all types of sales positions, but understanding your strengths and weaknesses in the selling process may help you identify why you may not be reaching your sales goals.

If you want help prioritizing the steps to improve your close rates, and skills needed for each step, please check out our free Ebook where we take a look at the seven steps more closely and list specifics about what you can work on to crush your sales goals. Click here to get the Ebook!

If you want to sell with greater success, you must master the selling process. Increasing your knowledge and skill in selling in these seven areas you will:

  • Simplify your sales strategy to crystalize your steps to sales superstardom
  • Allow your training to be focused on areas that produce results and maximize profitability (get the free Ebook to learn more about what to work on!)
  • Build your confidence to produce results and arm yourself with the fundamental tools to grow as a seasoned professional
  • Effectively close sales opportunities and continually find new prospects.

Click here to get the Ebook:
Breakthrough Sales Results – Understanding Your Strengths & Weaknesses in the Sales Process